Nice to Meet You


Hiya, I’m Jane! I’m a mental health advocate and writer of Your Friend Jane, my blog about mental health, self-love and navigating this confusing thing we call “life.”

I created Your Friend Jane in the autumn of 2016 when I was a freshman in college, struggling with then undiagnosed depression, anxiety and an eating disorder. Being the writer I am, I used blogging as a way to cope and to see if anyone felt the same way I did.

Since then, I’ve been sharing my mental health journey and advice on the internet, discussing everything about self-care, relationships and more. My hope is to inspire others with my stories and spread the message of acceptance and celebration — you’re not alone.

When I’m not writing, you can find me shopping at the local thrift and antique stores, reading, walking my dog, Maggie, on the beach or eating a bowl of ice cream (Turkey Hill’s Double Dunker is my favorite).

Your friend,

P.S. Everything I write is based on my opinion and experiences, and it does not replace therapy. If you’re seriously struggling, please reach out to a trusted adult.


My Mission

I believe in a world that isn’t afraid to admit, “Hey, I’m not doing OK. I need help.” By sharing my story and the stories of others, we make that dream a reality, one conversation at a time.


Fun Facts About Me


Blogging isn’t my only gig! I have my B.A. in journalism and professional writing, and I now work full time as a digital marketing specialist and freelance mental health writer.

It’s my absolute dream to be an author. When I was young, I would create five- to 10-page “novels” made out of coloring paper and colored pencils — I guess you could say I was born to be a writer! (Gosh, that’s such a cliché.) Since then, that dream has grown into a goal I am actively working on.

I grew up and live less than 10 minutes from the beach! As a kid, my family and I would spend most of our summer days with my aunts, uncles and cousins on the beach. Today, I still live that “beach bum” life by getting ice cream, playing mini-golf, watching fireworks and catching the sunrise with my friends, all while at the beach.


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